Birth Your Way Jax



Parenting Your Child

Childbirth Circumcision Breastfeeding Sleeping Discipline


Pink RibbonThis page is dedicated to my dear and funny friend, Bonnie Bedford, who died on July 11, 1997. Bonnie was a fiercely devoted Radical Mother. Her commitment to improving the parenting of the children in her world reached far and wide thanks to the Internet. Her physical presence on the planet will be missed by thousands; and, although, quite tragically, Bonnie's Radical Mother website is no longer being maintained on the Web, Bonnie will continue to affect our world through our memories of her wisdom and wit. Bonnie will long be mourned by her 'net friends all over the world and by her four children, partner and "real life" community. Bonnie's legacy of education and support lives on for women with breast cancer, too.


Any good parenting resources page should probably start off with childbirth since that's how most of us came to have children in our lives.

The Bradley Method® is a fabulous way to prepare for natural childbirth. I am a certified/affiliated independent Bradley childbirth educator in Jacksonville, Florida, and surrounding areas.

ASAC - Association for Safe Alternatives in Childbirth, a group of Canadian parents and healthcare professionals who share the belief that childbirth is a normal, healthy part of life and of special significance to the pregnant woman and her family

Birthing Options: Hospital, Home, or Birth Center? Midwife or Doctor?, an excellent article by Cordelia S. Hanna, BA, CCE, CBA

One way to help ensure that your birth experience is what you want it to be is to hire a labor assistant or "doula". Read about the role of doulas on the Doulas of North America - DONA International site. If you're in the Jacksonville, Florida, area and you're interested in hiring a doula, please e-mail me for more information or click on my doula page.  If my schedule prevents me from serving as your doula, I can put you in touch with many other fabulous doulas in our area!

Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way by Susan McCutcheon

The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth by Henci Goer

Mother's Intention: How Belief Shapes Birth by Kim Wildner

The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth by Shelia Kitzinger

Mothering the Mother : How a Doula Can Help You Have a Shorter, Easier, and Healthier Birth by Marshall H. Klaus

A Good Birth, A Safe Birth : Choosing and Having the Childbirth Experience You Want by Diana Korte

Pregnancy Childbirth and the Newborn : The Complete Guide by Penny Simkin

Silent Knife : Cesarean Prevention and Vaginal Birth after Cesarean (VBAC) by Nancy Wainer Cohen & Lois J. Estner

Birth Without Violence : The Book That Revolutionalized the Way We Bring Our Children into the World by Frederick LeBoyer

The Birth Company provides doula trainings, referral to doulas, and information on creating a better birth experience.

Birthing the Easy Way - Learning the Hard Way by Sheila Stubbs


If your baby is a boy, you may be trying to decide whether or not to circumcise him. Before you make any decisions about subjecting your one or two day old son to surgery, I sincerely hope you will take some time to inform yourself about circumcision by visiting the following sites. I wish I had had access to more information about circumcision before my son was born. I would have made an entirely different choice if I had known then what I know now. I am providing these resources so that you will have the opportunity to make a more informed decision.


Please see Birth Your Way's links on Breastfeeding and Working and Breastfeeding.

For Breastfeeding Support, see for a listing of La Leche League Groups in Jacksonville, Florida or see a complete listing of La Leche League Groups in Florida


When you get that baby home (or if you're already home because you chose a homebirth), you may wonder about sleeping arrangements. The best choice, in my well-researched opinion and in my own practical experience as a parent, is co-sleeping, also referred to as the "family bed." If you're interested in knowing more about the family bed, check out the following:


As your child grows older, you will be faced with decisions about how to discipline him or her. This is another area where education and information are extremely important to effective and healthy parenting. I don't believe in anybody hitting anybody else or otherwise inflicting physical harm on others. I certainly don't think children should be hit by the people they most love and trust in the world. For further information, check out these sites:

Attachment Parenting

All of the above parenting topics are somewhat related to a general parenting philosophy that has been called "attachment parenting". If you'd like to know more about this parenting style, there are links to attachment parenting sites all over the Web. You might also try the following books and sites:

Trevor slings Justin
Children who are well-nurtured learn good nurturing skills themselves.
Here my 10 year old son Trevor carries his 3 week old
nephew Justin (my grandson!) in a Maya Wrap sling (2002)

Please email me if you have any questions about any of the issues addressed on this page.




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